Comments on: Push back on my take: Gates… All those topics that i wish i had time to pursue more earnestly. Fri, 05 Jun 2009 16:40:54 -0700 hourly 1 By: A blog doesn't need a clever name A blog doesn't need a clever name Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 <!--%kramer-pre%--> More dialogue with TMTTLT:Push back on my take: Gates…. Push back on my take: Gates…: [quoting me snipped] it isn't a mistake to design the hardware… but it might be. it depends on many factors, what is the political economy behind the model here? is it that each child will benefit? how? and what<!--%kramer-post%--> More dialogue with TMTTLT:Push back on my take: Gates…. Push back on my take: Gates…: [quoting me snipped] it isn’t a mistake to design the hardware… but it might be. it depends on many factors, what is the political economy behind the model here? is it that each child will benefit? how? and what
