Computer Animation and Social Agents
by Jeremy
The COMPUTER GRAPHICS SOCIETY (CGS) is pleased to announce the 17th
annual conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA2004), held at the
Universityof Geneva, Switzerland, July 7-9, organized by MIRALab with the support of
IFIP WG5.10 (Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds).
The topics of interest in Computer Animation and Social Agents 2004
Animation Techniques
Motion Control
Motion capture and retargeting
Path planning
Physics-based animation
Vision techniques in animation
Behavioral animation
Artificial life
Image rendering in animation
Deformable Models
Facial Animation
Social agents
Social agents and avatars
Emotions and personality
Simulation involving Virtual Humans
Autonomous characters and actors
A.I. - based animation
Social and Conversational agents
Interagent communication
Modeling of groups and crowds
Social behavior
Autonomous Virtual Humans in games
Virtual Environments
Medical 3D simulation
Simulation involving Virtual Humans
Virtual Cultural Heritage
Autonomous characters and actors
VCE (Virtual Collaborative Environments)
A.I. - based animation
Virtual reality
Interaction with Virtual Humans
Augmented Reality
Perceptual models
Virtual Sensors
Important Dates
April 9, 2004:ÊÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Paper Submission Deadline
May 7, 2004:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Papers Notification
May 17, 2004: ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊCamera Ready Papers to the Publisher
July 7-9, 2004: ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Start of CASA2004
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