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AlterNet: The Radical Christian Right Is Built on Suburban Despair

AlterNet: The Radical Christian Right Is Built on Suburban Despair:
Millions of Americans live trapped in soulless exurbs which lack any kind of community, leaving them feeling isolated and vulnerable. Without alternatives for their social despair, they flock to demagogues promising revenge and a mythical utopia.


the problem is…. that this is probably true…

1 comment

1 jason { 01.20.07 at 08:53 }

when I was a young bunny, 20 years back, I wrote a short story on this topic. it was too far out, and questionably written, and never got published.

It IS really interesting to think about radicalism as a suburban act of the marginalized, but it is also interesting to see it as the response to cultural mono-cropism.