All those topics that i wish i had time to pursue more earnestly.
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ICT Security Standards Roadmap (Version 2.0 May 2007)

ICT Security Standards Roadmap (Version 2.0 May 2007):
ICT Security Standards Roadmap

interesting to see this from itu.

June 20, 2007   No Comments

International Memory of the World Conference

International Memory of the World Conference:
“Communities and memories: a global perspective” is the theme of the Conference to take place in Australia next year.

In association with the Australian Memory of the World Committee and under the auspices of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the National Library of Australia will organize the Third International Memory of the World Conference from 19 to 22 February 2008 in Canberra, Australia.

This looks like it could be something cool.

June 20, 2007   No Comments

Women’s participation in research

Women’s participation in research:
Read Head counts and headaches measuring women in science,which summarizes a survey by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics of women’s participation in research in 86 countries (A World of Science, April 2007, pages 21-23).

Read also the editorial on The Glass Ceiling by UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences (A World of Science, April 2007).

this is another situation that needs to be resolve. equality in science.

June 20, 2007   No Comments