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Tue, 04 May 2004 15:50:12 GMT

Defense Of Marriage.

An interesting side note to the introduction of state sanctioned same sex marriages in Massachusetts is that many companies are going to drop domestic partner benefits, since they were created largely for gay couples. It will be interesting to see if there is any backlash to those moves, as retention of same sex domestic partner benefits would extend the “rights” of gay couples beyond those of heterosexual couples. [Ed: Private insurance is not a civil right so I've quoted the word rights to reflect the muddled usage that is sure to ensue]

In theory. this cut in benefits will lead to an increase in the number of gay couples getting married, if only to retain their benefits. Ironically gay couples who forgo marriage may be worse off, from a benefits perspective, than they are now.

By that measure, the application of the new law by private companies will certainly be a “defense of marriage.”



once again 'capitalism' encourages regressive instead of progressive policies. imagine that…. it really isn't capitalism though, it is corporatism and profiteering which isn't really capitalism in terms of free markets, it is very much like an contra-statist communism, where the communal goods are distributed via corporations.

May 4, 2004   No Comments

i'm still boycotting walmart.

society problems caused by Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart is one of the few common features of every small town in the States. There are hundreds of them on I-80 alone (having used their immense parking lots to turn around a 17ft Uhaul towing a car last year). Over and over again, i heard locals defend the Wal-Marts as a cheap option for getting access to needed goods. There was often slippage in their arguments, as they would tell me that it's now the only option since the introduction of the Wal-Mart meant the closing of every possible competitor.

Wal-Mart makes billions of dollars every year. But at such an aweful expense. Check out these statistics (thanks Chloe!!).

Here's a sample (but read the full list):

$420,750: Annual cost to U.S. taxpayers of a single 200-employee Wal-Mart store, because of support required for underpaid workers — including subsidized school lunches, food stamps, housing credits, tax credits, energy assistance, and health care

45%: Proportion of her entire annual wage that a single Wal-Mart employee might have to pay out-of-pocket before collecting any benefits from the company-sponsored health plan



i'm boycotting them because of their callous disregard for their workers, including underpayment, locking them in, etc. that they were doing earlier this year and probably keep doing. by underpayment, i mean they don't pay the minimum wage.

May 4, 2004   No Comments

Bush Administration's antiscience, anti-information regime now is increasingly anti-women

This is unacceptable activity by any government. it really seems to me that they are attempting to persecute women by removing valuable scientific information that disagrees with their opinions. Which we know they've done before, if you read this blog frequently I've posted on it in the past. However, this is the first time they've virtually attacked the largest demographic group in the U.S. …. I wonder if anyone will care. found this on

Twenty-five key publications of the Department of Labor are no longer available on the Womenâs Bureau website. Prior to the current Administration, women could find a wide array of information about their rights in the workplace by logging onto the DOL website. With no explanation, the Administration removed 25 fact sheets, denying women and researchers critical information on everything from staffing to pay equity to child care to issues of specific importance to black and Latina women and women business owners.

May 4, 2004   No Comments