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Standardized Childhood

Standardized Childhoo:
In Standardized Childhood, Berkeley Professor Bruce Fuller questions the push for universal preschool tied to “public school bureaucracies.” Tax-funded preschools would provide one standardized model for young children, he writes.

it sounds like bruce fuller is on to something, we should be encouraging social and cultural pluralism in preschool, and not be encouraging one size fits all systematicity, because the plurality of experience will in the long run produce better democratic citizens.


1 jason { 04.08.07 at 09:40 }

One more push to marginalize the workers and push children into a learning ghetto. ECE is not about standardization. The instutions of learning are. Standardize access, safety, training, within a diverse and inclusive context and you won’t have any problems…

2 CleverGirl { 04.08.07 at 10:54 }

Since the UN passed (& mostly ratified) the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, childhood has officially become a globalised standardised commodity.

Then again, the US and Somalia failed to ratify it, so I guess if you live i n one of those two countries, you can do what you want with childhood…